How to add and remove users from locations in QMS Audit Pro?

lisadmin on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 16:39

Locations are a great way to help you organize users and manage access, as well as organization permissions in bulk.

This article shows you how to add and remove users from locations, either one at a time or in bulk, on the web app.

Before you begin

Please note that users can only be added and removed from locations on the web app by users with the “Admin” or “Director” permission. 

If your organization doesn’t have any locations, learn how to create locations before adding in users.

Add a user to a location


  1. Log in to the QMS Audit Pro web app. 
  2. Click your settings on the top-left corner of the page.
  3. Select Users from the left of the page.
  4. Provide User information including Username, Name, Email, Territory, Groups  & Locations. 
  5. Select user has mobile access or web access or both access. 

Remove a user from a location


  1. Log in to the QMS Audit Pro web app. 
  2. Click your settings on the top-left corner of the page.
  3. Search Users from the middle of the page.
  4. Click the X icon next to the user’s name.
  5. In the pop-up window, click Remove to confirm the removal.
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