How to upload photos on the QMS Audit Pro web app with Windows devices?

lisadmin on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 15:23

This article shows you how to upload photos when conducting inspections on the web app with Windows devices, such as Surface Pro tablets, which support taking photos on the go.

Before you begin

Please make sure your Windows device is connected to the internet when using the web app, as it’s cloud-based and saves changes as you go.

Take and upload a photo to an audit question

  1. Log in to the QMS Audit Pro web app.
  2. Start a new or edit an existing audit.
  3. Find the question you wish to upload a photo for.
  4. Use the "Camera" application to take the photo, then save it and note the directory location.
  5. Depending on the question’s response type, click or tap “Add Media” or “Media”.
  6. This opens a window to your computer file directory.
  7. Click or tap “Open” on the photo taken and saved in step 4 to attach it to the question.
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