QMS Audit Pro (LQAPS)

Can you explain how the healthcare audits are currently displaying on the participation report? I have a location who completed an audit on Monday that now does not show as completed for the week.

lisadmin on Wed, 02/02/2022 - 17:43

For super category, Start Date will be calculated based End date so if you run today (as per below screenshot), for a super category Date range will be from 02/01/2022 to 02/02/2022 and an inspection category date range will be from Monday 1/31/2022 to 02/02/2022. When you had run the report on Monday 01/31/2022 for a super category date would be 01/01/2022 to 01/31/2022 and that's why you were seeing the Healthcare entries.

Why new admin isn't able to select any locations past certain location in either the participant dashboard or under search in inspections?

lisadmin on Thu, 07/08/2021 - 09:12

He is not able to see any location past certain location because, he doesn't have permission to view other locations. You just have to give the permission to all the locations where he needs access to view data. 

When I go into edit in the inspection and hit save, it isn’t actually saving my edits. Instead it’s saving a duplicate of that inspection.

lisadmin on Thu, 07/08/2021 - 09:02

As per rule if someone want to edit any inspections then it should be edited by only same user who has entered the inspection. If different user is trying to edit, then it will treat as a new inspection. In future best way to handle this scenario would be delete existing inspection and add new one if for some reason same user can't edit.

How to add and remove users from locations in QMS Audit Pro?

lisadmin on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 16:39

Locations are a great way to help you organize users and manage access, as well as organization permissions in bulk.

This article shows you how to add and remove users from locations, either one at a time or in bulk, on the web app.

Before you begin

Please note that users can only be added and removed from locations on the web app by users with the “Admin” or “Director” permission. 

If your organization doesn’t have any locations, learn how to create locations before adding in users.

Add a user to a location


How to delete audits in QMS Audit Pro?

lisadmin on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 15:57

Looking to delete old audits or incorrect audits? If you have audits that you no longer need to use, you can delete them completely.

Before you begin

Inspectors can delete their own audits. You must have the higher level permission for to delete any other audits. 

Please note that deleting audits is permanent and irreversible. We cannot restore permanently deleted audits. 

How to upload photos on the QMS Audit Pro web app with Windows devices?

lisadmin on Thu, 02/25/2021 - 15:23

This article shows you how to upload photos when conducting inspections on the web app with Windows devices, such as Surface Pro tablets, which support taking photos on the go.

Before you begin

Please make sure your Windows device is connected to the internet when using the web app, as it’s cloud-based and saves changes as you go.

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