Integration with ERP or Supply Chain Software

lisadmin on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 17:56

If you have an existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) system or supply chain management software, LQATS integrates with it. Presently Lyons Quality Audit Tracking System - Manufacturers & Suppliers Quality Audit LQATS has integration with SAP ERP.  Integration with ERP will help maintain consistency across all platforms and prevents duplicate data entry.

Any customer system that is capable of exporting information in an ASCII format or JSON API may be interfaced with LQATS. The automated export of information from a customer in-house system provides a periodic stream of data used by our systems. However, no physical connection is made between the in-house information system and the LQATS database. This one-way flow of information insures that data integrity and synchronization always exists between both systems.

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