
What other features do your products offer to ease our day-to-day use and administration?

lisadmin on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 08:21

A primary goal in the design architecture of our systems is to empower our customers to define and manage information that is displayed to users during the process of performing tests, entering product quality audits, and many other tasks within our systems. Basically, this means that nothing is “hard-coded” for a particular customer that would involve us to re-code or change. We remark that calls to us should only be to report a bug, or request added functionality.

How scaleable are your systems?

lisadmin on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 08:21

Whether you are using any of our systems in a single laboratory or manufacturing facility or wish to expand your business reach across multiple facilities, our products are delivered with the built-in capability to expand to meet your business needs. No additional programming or modules to buy is necessary.

Do your systems accept data from external database systems?

lisadmin on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 08:20

Yes. Information interfaces may be established with any system capable of extracting and producing a fixed length ASCII text file or direct database connectivity or via REST APIs. Data is passed via JSON and synchronized in realtime to every connected client. When you build cross-platform apps with our .net, Android, iOS, and JavaScript SDKs, all of your clients share one real-time data and automatically receive updates with the newest data. You can develop applications that integrate with our API, and create robust functionality in your application using this API.

How are customizations performed when I require them?

lisadmin on Tue, 06/06/2017 - 07:06

Once we agree upon the enhancement(s) to be made to your system, we provide a proposal containing the cost and delivery time of the change(s). As development changes are made, our customers may view the changes using a Microsoft web browser and navigating to our secure development website specific to the customer. In this way, enhancements may be used and tested by customer staff to insure that expectations are met and satisfied. All enhancements must be sanctioned by our customer before the changes are implemented into your production environment.

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